Dialog Manager Action Elements

Lookup Action

Lookup actions provide a mechanism to execute Server Actions on the ServiceNow instance. Server Actions are typically used to perform lookups of ServiceNow tables - such as the User table.

NameName of element
SuggestionClick + to create a suggestion for the user to select. Multiple suggestions can be created.
Hint: Keep suggestions small - no more that 3-4 words
Hint: Hitting Enter after each Suggestion will automatically create a Branch for the suggestion.
Action NameThe Server Action (on the ServiceNow instance) that you are calling.
Action ParametersClick + under the Action to create parameters for the Server Action. Provide a Name and a Value for the parameter
Server Action response (branch name)The response returned from the Service Action script.
Response codeThe (optional) parameter returned with the Server Action response.

Knowledge Article

The Knowledge Article action allows the flow to display a specific Knowledge Article.

NameName of element
ResponseOptional: The response provided by Sofi
Knowledge article URLThe URL of the knowledge article
Hint: Copy Perma link on Knowledge article form.
Open in new window (Yes / No)Yes: Opens article pop up window
No: Options article in iframe on exisiting page
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.

Knowledge Search

The Knowledge Search action performs a search against a Knowledge Classifier and returns the results.

NameName of element
ResponseOptional: The response provided by Sofi
Search textThe search query.
Use {{_initialQuery}} to select the original utterance entered.
Knowledge classifierEnter the name of the Sofi Knowledge classifier that you want to use for this search.
By default is it knowledge
Boost wordsThese words can be used to tune the accuracy of the search.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.

Catalogue Item

The Catalogue Item action allows the flow to display a specific Catalog Item.

NameName of element
ResponseOptional: The response provided by Sofi
Catalogue URLThe URL of the knowledge article
Hint: Copy Perma link on Catalogue Item form.
Open in new window (Yes / No)Yes: Opens item pop up window
No: Options item in iframe on exisiting page
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.

Catalogue Search

The Catalogue Search action performs a search against a Catalogue Classifier and returns the results.

NameName of element
ResponseOptional: The response provided by Sofi
Search textThe search query.
Use {{_initialQuery}} to select the original utterance entered.
Catalogue classifierEnter the name of the Sofi classifier that you want to use for this search.
By default is it catalogue
Boost wordsThese words can be used to tune the accuracy of the search.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.

Choice List

Choice List actions Creates a ServiceNow query and returns the data to be displayed in the Choice List.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi
Server action nameThe Server Action is a ServiceNow script that you are calling.

eg: dialogManager.userLookup

Refer Server Action Scripts for more details.
Variable nameDefines a custom variable that the Server Action script will be stored against. If empty, the Server Action script uses the default variable defined within the script.

Variables can be referenced elsewhere within the flow using the following syntax:


eg. If variable name is selected_user, to reference the name of the user from the Lookup, enter: {{selected_user.name}}
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.
okThe Server Action response indicating a valid selection of a choice list.
no selectionThe Server Action response indicating a invalid selection of a choice list.

User Input

The User Input action allows information to be collected from user that can be referenced within the flow.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi
Variable nameDefines the variable that the input will be stored against.
Variables can be referenced elsewhere within the flow using the following syntax:

Multi-lineEnables multi-line input.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.


To reference Entities and Variables from within the flow

Use syntax {{variable_name.parameter}}

Yes / No Response

The Yes/no response provides a simpler method of building questions with Yes/No answers.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.

Create Ticket

Creates a record within ServiceNow based on information contained within the flow, and return a defined set of information which can be used to provide the end user with the updated ticket information.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.
Ticket Information
Short descriptionSets the Short_description field
DescriptionSets the description field
Auto-classify (On/Off)If On, Sofi uses the classifier to predict and set record values defined by the classifier.
ClassifierThe classifier used to auto-classify the record
Display classification to user (On/Off)Displays the classification to the user
Advanced Configuration
TableThe table in which the new record should be created.
Table view
Journal fieldThe journal field that the chat log should be copied to.
Reply TextThe text Sofi should respond with are ticket is created.
Classifier contextWhich classifier context should be used (eg SVA).
Server action nameThe name of any server action script that should be executed.
Context variable name
Additional Fields
Click + for each additional field that is required to be set on the record. Field name

Custom Flow

The Custom flow action enables a custom flow (typically developed by Servicely Professional services) to be called from within a flow.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.
Topic nameReference to the custom flow
okThis branch cannot be removed.

Set Field

Enables the flow to set field values on a ServiceNow form, catalog item or record producer.

The set field element sets field values on the 'Target Form'. In the case of an SVA-based flow, the Target Form must be selected using the Catalogue Item design element, prior to the Set Field element. In the case of a SAA-based flow, the Target Form is the form that is open at the time the conversation is active.

NameName of element
ResponseThe response provided by Sofi.
HintOptional: provide hint to guide the user.
Field nameThe name of the field on the target record that is to be set.
Field value typeTemplated Text: The text in the 'field value' will be copied to the 'field name' field on the target record.
Conversation History: The log of the conversation will be copied to the 'field name' field.
Field valueThe value of the field